High Point NC Furniture Market 2021: Highlights, Day 2
Hyped and Ready to Go
Woke up excited to spend another roaming the hallways at the High Point Furniture Market. Today, I was accompanied by my friend Michelle. It was her first time attending market, so it was fun to experience it through her eyes. Recently, Michelle has started water color painting, so her eye for things is a little different than mine.

Suites at Market Square
The plan for the day was to tackle the Suites at Market Square. I figured there were enough vendors in this one building to keep us occupied for the day, and I was not disappointed. There are few different sections to this overall building and each has it's own feel, but almost immediately this building felt more youthful and lively.
The first booth we came upon that we both loved was E. Lawrence, Ltd.

Love Their Mission
The next spot that caught our eye was Stephen Wilson Studio. And can I just say, "WOW!" Stephen Wilson creates one of a kind artwork using up-cycled high end bags along side unique embroidery pieces and all of it out of Charlotte, NC. Love, love, love! Please go and click on his website, because my photo does not do it justice!

The Fun Keeps Going
Around every corner on the first floor was eye candy, upon eye candy. Instantly I wanted to know more about the Nicolette Mayer Collection and their products.

Show Stopper
After a while, we came upon what was the immediate show stopper sofa for me. I only had to see it from behind and instantly knew I was going to love it.

Lunch & Fine Fabrics
A little after noon, we happened into the Thibaut showroom and sat down in their beautiful showroom and had a boxed lunch courtesy of Salem Kitchen. I recently picked a Thibaut fabric for a chair I'm going to be re-upholstering and it was fun to take a look at all their other fabric options in person.

What a selection!
While lunching, we spoke with a gentleman from Wisconsin and he suggested we make it a point to visit the Hickory Chair Furniture Company showroom. And boy, am I glad that we did. It was probably the largest showroom I had been in to date. And their furniture is so well-made and their showroom is filled with so many great pieces.

LOVE is right!
A fun part of market is the great schwag you get along the way. Since we arrived, we had seen this great woven bags with "LOVE" on them and I was wanting one but didn't stop to ask anyone where they got theirs. I was on the hunt and almost passed by not only the place where they were giving them out, but also what was the highlight showroom of the day!
The Dovetail showroom not only was giving out the best bags, but also brought the party to market. They were playing the best music and their showroom was a buzz with people everywhere.

High Note
We decided to end on a high note, but had one last stop on the agenda. We wanted to find the Couture Lamps showroom because our friend Beth Glover, a local Winston-Salem watercolor artist worked on the coolest collaboration with them to create some amazing lamps that are not just functional but beautiful! This is a follow up collaboration to a wallpaper collaboration she did with Mitchell Black.