Interior Design Winston Salem, NC
Great Design Should Be Accessible To Everyone

What Does Your Space Say About You?
Your space should be a reflection of your personality and the things that matter most to you. Every detail, color, and item in your space weaves together an unspoken but powerful narrative about who you are and how your priorities align.

Are You Feeling Confident In Your Home Office Space?
Now more than ever, as you bring colleagues and clients into your spaces via Zoom and Skype it becomes increasingly important to give some thought to our space and how it frames your narrative personally and professionally.

Are You Inspired In Your Spaces?
Let's face it, you are spending a lot more time at home and may have had more time to focus on some of the details that irritate or unsettle you about your spaces.
Do you have a closet that you feel is out of control?
How about kitchen cabinets where you can't find anything?
If it's a room that needs a refresh or an area of your home that you are unsure of and can't quite put your finger on the fix, feel free to reach out to me to discuss.

Do You Feel The Need For A Better Organized Home?
Being organized is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement, guidance, and accountability. Whether we are talking about kitchens, pantries, cabinets, or closets, I look forward to helping you.
How Can We Work Together And Stay Safe?
For now, I am handling most consultations via FaceTime or Zoom. I can work with you over the phone, via text, and using user-friendly tools like Pinterest. Online shopping has made the process of interior design a lot easier than before.
Ready To Get Started?
Contact Me to discuss your interest areas and figure out the best way to get started towards creating spaces you love within your budget.
How Can I Be Of Help To You?
- Space Planning
- Personal Home Shopping
- Styling
- Room Refresh
- Art Placement
- Paint Color Selection
- Closet Organization
- Home Staging
- Downsizing
Need help designing a room in my house. Love to hear your thoughts.